To be clear, The LivingPulse is NOT intended or expected to be a money making venture for me. Quite the opposite, I expect to expend financial help to the endeavor. This will be in the form of maintaining a building and the organizational infrastructure. Any instructors who lead practices or rituals will be compensated by donations from attendees.
Also to be clear, I do NOT consider myself any kind of teacher or spiritual leader. I am simply a ‘seeker’ who feels that what I perceive as The LivingPulse can offer help to me on a spiritual journey, along with any others who care to join the journey.
And finally, to be clear, LivingPulse is NOT about belonging to, or being the child of, a separate, personal God with or without human attributes. It is about understanding and feeling the connection and union with all life on the planet, and the wholeness of the universe, which I, among many, would consider to be God. This God is a somewhat undefined, transcendent concept, and can be abstract and difficult for many to personally engage with. Recognizing that this God can be more easily expressed as a philosophical idea than a separate person or thing may be what makes the search for enlightenment so difficult.
The section on Love offers more thoughts on this.